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Why the Wolf?
I love nature and I love mankind even though are not always compatible.
I love selling and I love people. It seems they are not always compatible either. An element of nature that brings controversy and strong emotions, positive and negative is the recent reintroduction of the wolf into parts of the American West.
The wolf is one of the most persecuted and misunderstood animals on the face of the earth. Often we tend to be ruthless with what we fear and with what we don't understand. Selling is like that. There are a lot of myths and misunderstandings, fears and evasion about the wolf and about selling.
I cringe seeing amateur salespeople using false schmoozing to gain an audience or close a deal. Prospects roll their eyes, and pull away trying to avoid or escape an over talkative salesperson. I have watched prospects recoil in disgust when salespeople attempt to close after ignoring all the signals that there is no deal. I have seen salespeople in tears not understanding how they could lose an important client in view of a long and close relationship. Too often I hear salespeople talk about promises and intents received with optimism and trust that evaporate or slip away in a fog.
Too many sales managers experience exasperation working with qualified salespeople who are not succeeding. Likewise, owners and upper level managers are puzzled and confused in how to direct. I have had to ask for too many resignations and advise too many others to ask for them as well. I have lost sleep, and my appetite wondering what they and their families would do.
I have also seen the elation, the satisfaction, joy and loyalty of customers who finally have found a solution. I have seen the confidence, happiness and pride that days and weeks of hard work and a successful deal can bring a salesperson, manager or owner. The dignity, the pride and the confidence and satisfaction on both sides are priceless. That is what Leadership Connections is about: building self-respect, success, satisfaction, confidence and "deep" relationships on both sides of the sales process.
Like the wolf before me, I have gone down many trails and worked on many skills. My first official sales job included only ‘on the job’ trial and error training. Once I became a sales manager, I realized I had to have a way to replicate what I knew and other successful managers and trainers knew. My entire career has been devoted passionately to sales, selling and sales management. I have read extensively, experienced most well known courses and consulted with a network of successful training organizations and trainers across American. The result is ‘Sales Mastery®’ Evolution of the Fittest, and some of the best sales training material available. LCI uses the best profiling, assessment and screening tools available for employee selection. By experiencing and traveling many trails I came to realize there has to be an "ecosystem" of elements working together to maximize the chance for team success. The strength of the wolf is the pack. The strength of the pack is the individual wolf. That is what Leadership Connections is about: bringing strength, dignity, and success to the individual and to the team with an ecosystem of ingredients that can be mixed to meet the specific requirements of the client. A recipe for success is having the right ingredients in the right amount - skills, personal talent, management, culture, vision and commitment are just a few of the ingredients for a thriving sales culture eco system.
Garry Duncan
President of Leadership Connections
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