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Colorado Office:
14143 Denver West Parkway Ste 100
Golden, CO 80401
P: 303.462.1277
F: 303.274.9771
Training Location II
700 Kalamath St.,
Denver, CO 80204
Hiring Sales Talent, Selecting and Hiring Top Sales Leaders
Identify the DNA of Winning Sales Leaders and Managers

Hiring top sales talent is becoming more challenging than ever.
Top sellers are in demand and getting them requires quick decisions. Have you ever questioned why a top salesperson excels in one organization and struggles in another even though both organizations are in the same industry? We can tell you.
Located in Denver, Colorado, Leadership Connections ‘state of the art’ sales benchmarking, sales assessment, and sales evaluation tools ensure you make the right decision and provides you with a sales coaching map to jump start sales success. Validate how your potential sales hire will do the job, why they will be motivated to do the job, if they have the core personal competencies to do the job, and if they fit your company culture. Select top sales talent using your company and industry knowledge and a proven process to hire the right configuration of skills, intelligence, behavior, attitudes, and beliefs required by the position. Jump-start a sales professional who is eager, focused, low maintenance, and a potential superior performer. What could be better? Improve hiring success up to 85% through online profiling assessments.
Hire top sales leaders who will ‘lead the pack’. Get past sales resumes and discover the real salesperson. Learn more than just traditional behavior styles. Markets are changing. Necessary skills sets are changing. In sales, surveys say the wrong sales hire occurs over 68% of the time. Nothing...not sales coaching, training, mentoring, managing, or threatening (this all being said by a company who does sales training, coaching, and consulting for a living) is more effective than hiring the right person with the right competencies into the right sales position
Are you ready to get it right? We have implemented this exclusive, proven sales hiring process with the strategies, techniques, and legal aspects of hiring the right sales people and getting them on the team. Build a complete and specific benchmark for your industry, company, and sales position. You will receive ways to recruit, screen, and interview and validate information that will accurately assess candidates, including the interview questions to ask that are specific to your position.
Audiences Who Will Benefit Include
- Sales Managers
- Entrepreneurs
- Owners
- Human Resource
- Consultants
- Senior Management
Identify the DNA of Pack Leaders
- Hard Skills and Required Experience
- Personal Attributes Can they sell?
- Behavior Attributes How will they sell?
- Workplace Motivation and Values Will they fit and why will they fit?
Accurately assess the candidate’s possession of required qualifications.
Contact us to assist you in hiring sales leaders.
Trail to Hiring Success: Know Your Candidate
Merging the four sciences to hire the best candidate

Get an Sales Owner's Manual when you hire them!
Coach and manage new hires more effectively after you hire them. Leadership Connections provides tools that are specific to help sellers win and achieve a greater degree of success in life and work. Achievers throughout history have one thing in common - they know themselves. Achievers do not underestimate or overestimate what they can do. They know their own limitations and, by realizing their weaknesses, are able to develop plans to overcome their shortcomings and take full advantage of their strengths. These tools have validation in the workplace and are specific versions for sales.*
*All Assessment are rigorously validated on decades of research and are continually updated.
Sales Hiring Assessments
Contact us at 303.462.1277 to discuss how these hiring tools and assessments can help you with your next new hire.
Trimetrix Job Report™ – Based on a unique 37 factor analysis, this report reveals a person’s specific traits necessary in three areas that describe the how, why and what of individual performance for a specific job. With all the components of this powerful online profiling tool it ensures that you hire, develop, and retain top talent.
Personal Attribute and Talent Index™ – Business success is measurable by talent – the right talent for a specific job. This proven assessment will assist you in accurately assessing, developing, and retaining top talent.
Personal Insights Profile™ - DISC – This online profile is specific for the sales professional and sales management. This report considers crucial differences and provides information on an individual’s style of selling.
Personal Interests, Attitudes, & Values™– What is it that motivates your personnel to take action? A unique set of personal interests, attitudes, and values are motivating forces that largely affect how people behave and how others perceive them. The PIAV report is a valuable tool for understanding and maximizing a person’s professional career.
Personal Coaching and Development Report™ – This report is ideal for sales managers and sales teams whose focus is growth, strengthen your sales team, and easing your efforts in replicating sales success.
Sales Call Reluctance Assessments – Salespeople under perform because they don’t initiate sufficient prospective contacts. Call reluctance can be present at the onset of a sales career or strike suddenly without warning. There is no single source and call reluctance has multiple personalities. Most cases are learned and therefore, many cases can be unlearned. Leadership Connections can diagnose the twelve most common types of call reluctance and in most cases prescribe a fix to help sellers get past the emotional twitch that impairs their ability to be successful.
Behavior Based Interviewing Sample Competencies – Reports say hiring the wrong person occurs in sales over 68% of the time. Common errors are:
1. Not having a hiring strategy and flying by the seat of your pants
2. Hiring on experience alone, vs. hiring competencies that are difficult to train
3. Unstructured interviews make it difficult to compare candidates, or uncover the real talent
Leadership Connections gives you the interview format and the specific questions you need to conduct a true ‘behavior based interview.’
*All assessments are rigorously validated on decades of research, and are continually updated.
© 2010 Target Training International, Ltd. for TTI talent profiles and assessments.
Leadership Connections
Leading you to exceptional sales success, Connecting you with top line results
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